Firing Up at on , Copyright (C) 1990 by Continental Software Detected Assumed EXITINFO.BBS TIMELOG.BBS Shelling to Front-End Returning from Front-End Shell, Errorlevel Operating in Local Mode Incoming Call at Baud Initialisation Failed, ExitingU FOSSIL driver missing FOSSIL : Initialising the modem ! Modem Initialise Failure (#U & Waiting for a call none1 Event Approaching, Incoming Calls Disabled Executing Event at Errorlevel Connected at Baud Taking Modem Off-Hook Local LogonU 9 \ ERROR : Menu "!" missing, returning to Top Menu. Press [Enter] to continue: Incorrect, access denied!%Attempted access to passworded menu " Incorrect, access denied!%Attempted access to passworded menu " Incorrect, access denied!%Attempted access to passworded menu " Exit to DOS at errorlevel GOODBYE Fatal Error : Top Menu missing! Disconnecting... >t)(t >t)(t * > C M R t Quiet Mode ON Quiet Mode OFFU FILES.BBS 'Press S to Stop, or P to Pause listing: Press [Return] to continue:U File Name Size Date%-------------- ----------- -------- S#-------------- ----------- -------- Press [Return] to continue:U File To Move : Not Found! Full Destination Path : #Can't copy a file on top of itself! Error opening source file.. Unable to create target file.. Error occurred during copy..U Press [Enter] to continue:U System Usage Graph for P 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11. Midnight Noon Press [Return] to continue:U 2Sorry, but the full screen editor is not installedESorry, the full screen message editor is only available to ANSI users=The full screen message editor will be used to enter messages.The line editor will be used to enter messagesU 4Sorry, ANSI graphics are not available at this speed ANSI/Colour graphics now active%ANSI/Colour graphics will NOT be used5The full screen message editor has also been disabledU Page Pausing ON Page Pausing OFFU Screen clear codes WILL be sent#Screen clear codes will NOT be sentU (Choose a user (enter the line number) : &Sorry, there isn't anyone on that line Sorry, but doesn't wish to be disturbed.$Sysop Override : Send anyway [Y/n]? Message to , maximum 1 line Aborted. Processing... **MESSAGE** from on line Sent on-line message to (Line SentU How many lines per screen page (10-66)? * Please enter a number between 10 and 66. Screen length changed to lines.U PASSWORD Enter your password to use: & Your password must contain at least characters! Try again..% Please Re-Enter for verification : . Passwords do not match! Password unchanged.. Password change successfulU Please enter your new address (City, State): U Current Time : Current Date : Connect Time : minutes Time Used Today : Time Remaining Today : Daily Time Limit : Press [Enter] to continue: 7Enter Username search string or [Enter] for all users: Q Name Location LastOn Calls Ratio Press [Enter] to continue:U "Sysop Paged (Outside Paging Hours) NOTAVAIL 0Sorry, but you may only page for a chat between and Sysop Paged (Too Many Times) MAXPAGE$Sorry, you may only page for a chat times per call. Press [Return] to continue: Sysop Page [C] To break in for a chat [A] To terminate the page&Sysop Paged : Aborted at local console PAGEABRT0Sorry, but the sysop is not currently available. Press [Enter] to continue: Sysop Paged : Chatted with user PAGEDU $User requested to terminate the call GOODBYEU DOS Shell : U Data File Not Present 0123456789 version .@Copyright (C) 1989 by Continental Software, all rights reserved3Compiled under Borland's Turbo Pascal version 5.5 HProtocol Engine by Joaquim Homrighausen used for file transfer protocols FOSSIL : Press [Return] to continue:U HotKeys active HotKeys disabledU "Enter message area(s) to toggle : U SDQEWould you like to elect, e-Select all message areas or uit? ?Verify that you would like to turn all message areas ON [Y/n]: @Verify that you would like to turn all message areas OFF [Y/n]: U Callers On-Line to BName Line BaudRate Location Press [Return] to continue:U Todays Callers to EName Line BaudRate LogOn LogOff Times Location Press [Return] to continue:U File To View : #Sorry, couldn't locate that file... Press [Return] to continue:U ZIP*Error in archive or unknown archive format 0Enter the File Name of the Archive to examine : LZH>Sorry, this function currently supports only ZIP and LZH files Could not locate that file! Listing Of Archive 4File Name Compressed Uncompressed Ratio Press [Return] to continue:U 9 M W _ d s 0File Search by Date; Press P to Pause, S to Stop *Search Config File not installed, aborting FILES.BBS )Search Ended, Press [Return] to continue:U Enter File Name to find : 0File Search by Name; Press P to Pause, S to Stop *Search Config File not installed, aborting FILES.BBS )Search Ended, Press [Return] to continue:U "Enter keyword to use for search : 3File Search by Keyword; Press P to Pause, S to Stop *Search Config File not installed, aborting FILES.BBS )Search Ended, Press [Return] to continue:U No files to send!JSorry, but the protocol you have selected does not support batch transfers XFERTIME;Sorry, but this download would exceed your daily time limit TODAYK+Sorry, but this download would exceed your k daily limit RATIO :1 ratio limit RATIOK Files To Transfer : Transfer Size : Transfer Time : minutes at Baud=Start receiving now, or press several times to abort Download Progress Download [ File(s) sentU &File to Download (Full Path & Name) : No files to send!JSorry, but the protocol you have selected does not support batch transfers Files To Transfer : Transfer Size : Transfer Time : minutes at Baud=Start receiving now, or press several times to abort Download Progress Download [ File(s) sentU Sorry, incorrect*! Attempted to access passworded file area File(s) to Download : No files to send!JSorry, but the protocol you have selected does not support batch transfers XFERTIME;Sorry, but this download would exceed your daily time limit TODAYK+Sorry, but this download would exceed your k daily limit RATIO :1 ratio limit RATIOK Files To Transfer : Transfer Size : Transfer Time : minutes at Baud=Start receiving now, or press several times to abort Download Progress Download [ File(s) SentU Activating External Protocol (Download Mode) Port Baud Time Processing External Protocol LogU Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # NAK, error #$Receiver didn't acknowledge header.. Receiver didn't request headerU Ending batch session Sending file data Unable to open File is a device Transfer cancelled by remote Disk read error NAK ( ) error # Timeout ( ), error # Transfer cancelled from console/Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file End of file not acknowledgedU b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ G s Upload [ Drive Space : bytes Protocol : /There is not enough free space for your upload!;Start sending now, or press several times to abort Upload Progress File to Upload : Files Received You have been granted an extra minute(s):Begin description with a "/" if file is for the sysop only FILES.BBS Please describe PVTFILES.LOG File : Date : Uploader : Description : U 1 n s Activating External Protocol (Upload Mode) Port Baud Time Processing External Protocol Log FILES.BBS "Protocol Engine" (PE) 1.05 (TP) Protocol : File : Size : Time : Position :U &[*] indicates batch transfer available Protocol [Return to Quit]: DNLDHRS *Sorry, downloads are only allowed between and U + : G o Fetching filename Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier lost Transfer cancelled from console Fatal timeout CRC error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Timeout, error # Debris, error #U Transfer cancelled by remote Carrier Lost Disk write error CRC Error Checksum Error Block number mismatch Bad block complement Transfer cancelled from console Timeout, error # Debris, error # Carrier lost Transfer completedU |(6; b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ $ N a f x Transfer cancelled from console Header CRC errorU Header CRC errorU Header data timeout File seek errorU (Transfer aborted due to too many errors. uM6;E Resending from 0Waiting for receiver to acknowledge end of file. Resuming from Sending file Session completed Synchronizing with receiver Unable to open File is a device, skipped Sent Receiver requested to skip #Receiver requested to abort sessionU $ < t Data CRC error Long data packet Data CRC error Long data packet Synchronizing with sender Receiving file Session completedU badzfile.$$$'Not enough disk space. Session aborted. Identical file, skipped Duplicate file, renamed to Resumed file transfer. Unable to open Unable to position file pointer. Unable to create File is a device, skipped U Unable to write to disk. Bad pos: Transfer cancelled Timeout'Nonsense end of file received, ignored. Received U "Protocol Engine" (PE) 1.05 (TP)U $`<@u b$C4 P%@Fpg` RwbVr ftGd$T uJTZ7j ld\EL n6~UNt^ |eLXa n;iL` o/hXa iCn4g hWo f n1iFa #.#G#L#[#t# $P$g$w$|$ %1%M%p%z% &-&7&L&`&j&z& (.)?)I)\)a)f)V*e*j* *K+Z+_+ ,[-n- /!System contains messages ranging .2Enter number of message to delete, [Enter]=Quit : There is no message # in this area2You do not have Sysop access to this message-area. Deleting message # Message # deletedU ) U Upload ) 1ATATIME7Sorry, you may only log on to one line at any one time!'! Attempted to log on to multiple linesU NOTFOUND4 Your name was not located in the system User File. Name Entered : Did you enter your name correctly [Y/n]? TRASHCAN.CTL6! Name entered is unacceptable, Trashcan message given TRASHCAN2 Sorry, that name is not acceptable on this system NEWUSER11 Would you like ANSI colour and graphics [Y/n]? Y5Do you want to use the ANSI full-screen editor [Y/n] 'Would you like hot-keyed menus [Y/n] ? 2 How many lines does your display have (10-66) ? 8 Would you like to pause after each screen page [Y/n]? 6 Do you want screen clearing codes to be sent [Y/n]? 4 Where are you calling from (Suburb, City, State)? , Please enter your home/voice phone number:/ Please enter your business/data phone number: PASSWORD xxx & Enter your password to use (minimum chars) : % Please Re-Enter for verification : % Passwords do not match! Try again..; Did you enter all the above information correctly [Y/n]? .Scanning phone numbers, please wait a moment.. PHONENUM.CTLBWARNING: Unacceptable voice phone number entered, notifying sysop.1! Entered an unacceptable Home/Voice phone number?WARNING: Duplicate voice phone number entered, notifying sysop..! Entered the same Home/Voice phone number as NEWUSER2 NEWUSERU DUMMY TOOSLOW6 Sorry, but you cannot use this system at this speed. NO300@ Sorry, 300 baud callers are not permitted to call at this time Please enter your full name: And your last name? .You must enter both your first and last names!- ** Sysop Remote Access Has Been Disabled **5! Sysop tried to log-on remotely and was disconnected Scanning User File ... , RA line # on-line at baud Name not in User File! PRIVATE Sorry, this system is private..User disconnected after private system message Fast logon in local mode on-line locally (fast logon) Password: Incorrect password : Incorrect, try again. Access denied!7! Exceeded maximum password attempts, user disconnected Completed new-user procedure LOCKOUTFSorry, but your access to this system has been suspended by the sysop.'User disconnected after lockout message Logging user back on-line Logging back on-line TIMEWARN System Event in minutes,%your time limit has been adjusted to minutes. RESET WELCOME WELCOME1 Check for waiting mail [Y/n]? System Forced a Password Change EXPIRED "Your Current Password Has Expired! ?For security purposes, you are required to change your password every times you call Please enter the new password you wish to use : . You can't use the same password! Try again..% You password must contain at least characters2 Please enter your new password to verify : % Passwords do not match! Try again..U $ * 8 G ! & 8 = K ^ c m !.!8!J!O!X! "/"4"I"S"\"v" #.#3#K#a#j#x# $.$Z$c$q$ Security Watchdog activated, notifying user..! Watchdog : User notified of password attempt WATCHDOG.MSG ! Unable to open WATCHDOG.MSG Incorrect password logon attemptU Security level altered to U Flag set completed questionnaire at ***U Questionnaire initiated: Questionnaire completedU & 6 ; f PWDTRASH.CTLC Sorry, this password is unacceptable. Please try something else..F You must select a password that is less similar to your current one!U Checking your mail-box ... (You have no new mail in your mail-box. You have the following mail : 1 message messages YRSKQMN Would you like to read this mail now? [Y/n] : Yes Scan mail QuickScan mail Killing mail ... Marking as received ... k [+], [-] <- Reply, Reply -> [+], Enclosed Subject (DELETED) (PRIVATE) (RECEIVED) From : To : (KILL/SENT) (SENT) (FILE ATTACH) (CRASH) (REQ RECEIPT) (AUDIT REQ) (RETURN RECEIPT) on ( ) Message # Date : Replies : -> #U A# From To Subject P----- ------------------------ ----------------------- ---------------------- Invalid reply chain, fixing ... U Invalid reply chain, fixing ... U Message area " " contains messages.!System contains messages ranging Enter message number to read : 6Enter message number to start at [Enter=First/Last] : Pause after each message [Y/n]? S'Mark messages for later reading [Y/n]? 'Clear currently marked messages [Y/n]? Again Next Previous Delete Message # deleted Reply Enter Kludge toggle * Reply -> <- Reply Stop#Mark this message? [yes/No/stop] : End of messages. Press [Enter] to continue: There is no message # End of new mail End of messagesU %